Blogroll Exchange!

Kyou Tomoyo

As the title suggests, I’ll be opening my blogroll to share readership among the blogging community.  My blog is about figures, Toronto, the places I’ve been to, and a little about my life.  If you are interested in a link exchange with me please drop me a line here, or here.

I also recognize those who frequent my blog regularly, and as such have taken the initiative to add you guys to my blogroll:

Sorry if I left anyone out.  m(-.-)m  Drop me a line and I’ll add you guys. ^^

On a totally unrelated note, the guys who were suppose to change the windows in my house (after a 2 week delay) are finally coming in tomorrow to finish their end of the deal.  So I *might* not be able to log in for the next two days.  Thanks for dropping by again. ^^

(Source of picture from Gelbooru…me thinks)

34 Responses to “Blogroll Exchange!”

  1. 1 Otaku Mitsukai 07/12/2009 at 23:12

    Hey there, I love your blog. Would you mind if i put you on my blog roll? ^_^

  2. 4 ClearTranquil 07/13/2009 at 00:36

    Wow, I really like your blog as well. You’ve made the effort to make your own clean and custom graphics which I really admire. Want to do a blogroll exchange?

  3. 6 Panther 07/13/2009 at 00:43

    I see someone is following in my stead. :p

  4. 8 Q 07/13/2009 at 08:15

    Hey, thanks for the add mate! Will add yours to mine shortly!

  5. 10 Stringed 07/13/2009 at 08:23

    Hey! I like your blog quite a bit, and was wondering if you’d be interested in an exchange? My blog isn’t exclusively about figures since I don’t have or get nearly enough figures to make a blog dedicated to them, so it’s a general anime blog with figure discussion included. I already have yours on my blogroll, also.

    Here’s the link to mine, even though I put it in the website field, too:

  6. 12 Observer Extraordinaire 07/13/2009 at 10:00

    I’m watching Clannad right now! ^^ Fuko FTW!

  7. 14 optic 07/13/2009 at 10:11

    Already added u and u already added me. xD

  8. 16 sanguinerose 07/13/2009 at 11:01

    Thanks for the mention. Love your blog and hope you acquire more readers. ^_^

  9. 18 GNdynames 07/13/2009 at 19:17

    I’m also a Torontonian, I’ve dropped by here frequently, but I’ve never left a comment.

    Anyway, long story short, want to link exchange? I just added you on my blogroll.

  10. 20 Miette-chan 07/13/2009 at 19:19

    Oh neat, you added me. Must go do some worth while post.

    • 21 T.I.P. 07/17/2009 at 02:51

      Thanks for dropping by all the time. There’s nothing that’s worth while or not, I’ll read anything as long as it’s interesting. ^^

  11. 22 aaroninjapan09 07/14/2009 at 10:25

    Oh.. can you add me? I’m from Toronto too, just not in Toronto atm.

    I lurk here too, just don’t comment much.

  12. 24 ziroc 07/14/2009 at 11:42

    I’m interested in a blogroll exchange

  13. 26 Blowfish 07/19/2009 at 14:10

    Thanks alot for adding me!
    Ill try to return the favor soon ^^

  14. 28 gundamjehutykai 07/19/2009 at 17:35

    am I not included in your blogroll update when I seem to get a constant flow of visitors from your blog?
    I’m a little hurt ;p

    Seriously, tho. I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now and have added you to my own blogroll for easy reading. If you want to do an exchange, that would be appreciated.

  15. 30 Kitty Whisperwind 07/20/2009 at 19:54

    Kawaii blogroll exchange please ^__^

  16. 33 lightningsabre 07/24/2009 at 04:19

    I can’t even remember who added who first when we first exchanged blogroll… or did you ask first? I can’t remember, all I know is that you’re on it XD

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